Tuesday, 7 June 2016



Sorry I went away for a while, life just got busy and things changed quite a lot which made me lose my motivation a little. But I'm back on track now and feeling good as I have just been offered a new job as a carer for people with mental health issues and learning disabilities. This is a complete change for me and more along the career path I want to follow, a start to my journey of becoming a counsellor one day. 

I have also moved house now and it's a much better location than where I lived before, plus there's a cute dog which I have a photo of on my instagram (@lilyy22), she is the most adorable thing you have ever seen. 

Anyway I hope you're all okay, let me know whats been going on in your lives I'm interested to hear about it. :) 

I have set myself a goal this month to cook more, and make sure what I do cook is healthy. People who know me know I'm not a chef and usually turn to the mircowave when it comes to meal times, so bad for me I know. But I plan on changing that starting from now and I will keep you updated on my progress. Another goal I would like to achieve is going dairy free so if anyone has any tips on how to make this easier please let me know! I also want to do more healthy snack reviews so expect some of those soon!

Just wanted to give you a quick update, new post will come soon, thank you for reading. :)

Love from Lily xxxx