Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Travelling to Stafford

Hey guys!

I'm currently on a train to Stafford to go and visit my family. I'm writing this on my kindle as I wanted to keep luggage as light as possible so sorry if this isn't great! It's a long old journey but I have a few magazines and books on here to keep me entertained. I'm currently reading Six Months in Montana by Pamela Kelley (it's free to download for kindle) it's just a nice easy feel good read and I would recommend it for just before you go to sleep or if you are travelling like me.

The WiFi connection on this train is dodgy and I'm worried the post is going to be lost but let's just hope it survives! Also I'm loving snapchat recently the new filters for selfies are hilarious! Add me if you like my user is lilyy22. I will be snapping my journey and whilst I'm up there if you'd like to see what it looks like.

Looking out of the window the countryside is so pretty, I'm more of a city lover myself but I can still appreciate it for sure. I like the fact that I have experienced living in both the north and the south, they both have completely different vibes. Which do you prefer? Let me know in the comments.

Oh here's something random for you, I found out last night that a kindle charger will also charge a PlayStation controller. I guess it's cause they both just use USB. Still handy to know! Anyway I'm going to leave it there as autocorrect is driving me crazy.

Love from Lily xxxx

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